'The Dance Of My Life {re-writing my story}
I spent a wonderful weekend at RAW FEST 2018 during which I gave two talks - one on the connection between a plant-based diet and out innate creativity (a topic I am so passionate about and is the focus on my forthcoming book) and secondly on 'sugar-free satisfaction' which is actually where this blog started off back in 2011!
It was a wonderful uplifting festival filled with woodland walks, vegan food, yoga, meditation, inspiring talks, sound baths, spiritual music, campfires and chanting... made all the more special as I was able to share the experience with my boyfriend.
On the last day it rained all day and I made a very fetching 'bin bag ball gown' to keep myself dry which worked a treat ;-)
For me one of the main highlights and moments of growth, was the creative writing workshop with HART FLOE POET set in a circle on the woodland floor.
In the lead up to this piece, Hart Floe asked us to visualise our perfect life, thinking ahead to a time when we had achieved what we had set out to – what would that life look like? What would we be thinking, feeling, touching, tasting, hearing... Initially, as I began to write tears welled up in my eyes.
I could only picture myself alone, that has always been the way in these kinds of exercises when I visualise my future.
But I don’t want to be alone, and it overwhelmed me in that moment. I put my pen down and closed my eyes with the intention to quietly meditate on my breathe for the next few minutes until the exercise was over.
My boyfriend sitting by myself side noticed my tears. I felt silly in admitting to him the truth but he reminded me this was my chance to rewrite that story. I knew he was right. Hesitantly, I picked up my pen and with just a minute or so left of the exercise this is what poured onto the page. It felt so good.
I wonder, where in your life might you benefit from rewriting the story that plays out time and time again in your mind?
The Dance Of My Life...
There is a warmth in my heart and a flame in my soul.
The stories and photos of those that I've helped lay bound in books by my bedside.
Laughter fills the hallway and I smile, imagining the antics happening as I prepare lunch to share on brightly coloured plates.
The large doors open onto the veranda and the breeze ruffles my hair.
I look to the horizon, the azure sky and valleys beyond.
Filling my lungs with the still quiet moments before the chaos ensues.
Beautiful chaos, love and laughter.
The stillness and the chaos create a beautiful symphony.
The dance of my life.
...the orginial writing