Get Unstuck.
Get back in motion!
30 Minutes of quick fire business brainstorming via Voxer. Let’s thrash out the overwhelm and task paralysis, to create some clarity and external accountability for your next step forward.
Do you have a million and one questions and ideas flying round your mind and just need them to land and create some sense of order?
Do you feel stuck in knowing what next best step to take or how to make an in-road on your project or task list?
Or maybe you just need a bounce board and fresh perspective for your ideas from someone who gets it?
I hear you!
What is a Get Unstuck Session?
If you resonate with any (or all) of the statements above… I hear you. This is how my neurospicy brain feels on a regular basis too. You are welcome here!
Get Unstuck sessions were created for the overthinky, big dreaming, creatives and wellness business owners who wear all the hats and (just about) have all their plates spinning… BUT who get distracted by the noise of ‘all the possibilities’ and find themselves overwhelmed and unsure of the next step to take.
So often you don’t need to see the whole picture. You probably already have a general feel for that in your mind already (am I right?)
BUT you do need to break through the noise and focus in on the next specific and tangible one or two steps to take to get you moving forward again.
I bet that feels lighter already.
How will a Get Unstuck Session work?
Our Get Unstuck Session will take place on Voxer, and we’ll have a high energy conversation bouncing back and forth on Voxer for 30 minutes.
Not sure what Voxer is? It’s a fun walk-talkie style app - see below for more details.
You can brain dump anything at me in either voice note or text, and I’ll ask questions and share observations and between us we’ll tease out the magic from the mess, and get you back on track to action.
It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s raw and unfiltered real-time brainstorming. Plus there is no video involved so you can still be wearing your pyjamas or be out for a walk if you like!
If you work best with external accountability, to wrap up we’ll agree the first action and timeframe for the action taking steps and you’ll check back in with me when mission accomplished.
Well use the first 20 minutes or so to brainstorm, and the final 5-10 minutes to tease out the next clear action step.
I offer a maximum of two Get Unstuck sessions for new clients, so if you love the vibe and want more, take a look at Coach on Call or my 3-Month Coaching package.
Get Unstuck investment
Yes, I’m ready to Get Unstuck!
What do I need to do now?
Simply book an appointment via the calendar below, filling out the prep questions to confirm we are a good fit prior to booking.
Then download the app, come find me on Voxer @johodson and drop me a note to say hi… then we are all set!
Got more Q’s or can’t see a time slot to suit you? Get in touch at: hello@createwellbeingltd.com or leave me a note on Voxer and we’ll work something out.
This is what the Voxer app looks like in action…
Why use Voxer?
This is why I love using Voxer… and why many of my clients do too!
Voxer is a free app and works like a digital walkie-talkie. It’s very similar to WhatsApp and Messenger but unlike the other apps, you can share your voice messages in real time. Its also accessed via a username rather than a phone number and in this way I prefer to use it for business use and keep WhatsApp for personal use.
Voxer offers the intimacy of a phone call but with the flexibility of a messaging app. You can use a combination of voice notes and text messages, share images, screen shots and links.
It’s an ‘asynchronous’ conversation which means we can take time to pause to process thoughts or research before responding. For my neurodiverse brain that sometimes needs extra processing time, this is a game changer compared with a phone or zoom call and improves the quality of support I can offer you.
Are you a ‘move to think’ kinda person like me? We don’t need to be sat in a chair talking at each other. I think much better when I am moving, and in fact, I am quite likely to be out on a walk, or stretching on my yoga mat when we chat.
You can also listen back to points of our discussion at your own leisure as you continue to process things later on. You can take notes as we talk and we can work at a pace that is right for you throughout the session. I find this way the insights on both sides go deeper.
For a coaching beyond a single session, it’s a great way to keep me in your ‘back pocket’ and know that you have the support to hand when you need it, adding a deeper level to our communication beyond email.
Voxer is a free app similar to WhatsApp (but I use this for business only) and you can even listen to audio in real time too - it's like a walkout-talkie! You’ll simply download the app on your phone (there is a desktop option too), add me as a contact (johodson), and we’ll be able to connect instantly with both voice and text.
This won’t involve any video chat (so don't worry if you are wearing pyjamas or haven't washed your hair - I will never know!) ;-)
I work with business owners in the wellness industry, but also creative neurodiverse folks (I have ADHD myself) with lots of ideas and a head full of overwhelm. If you’re not sure if I can help or if 40 minutes will be long enough, drop me a note on Voxer and we’ll work it out.
After you make payment for the session you’ll be send an email with some simple prep notes.
Identify as best as possible what is it you feel stuck around and what support you need to move forward. If possible carve out some time that same day for action taking, it’s always easier when the energy is high in the moment as it will likely be off the back of the session!
The nature of a Get Unstuck Session is that we tackle a specific problem (even if that problem is just knowing where to start!) It’s only 40 minutes, so it’s not a time for brainstorming an entire business strategy (Check out Coach On Call for that!) We’ll aim to have one main objective and create clarity for your next step.
I won’t necessarily have access to my laptop, so I ask that anything shared is viewable via a phone.
I don’t offer refunds for these sessions but I appreciate that life can get in the way, so if necessary, you can reschedule up to 24 hours before our call. Please get in touch as soon as you can to arrange an alternative date.
No problem :-) Find me on Voxer (johodson) and text/record me a message and we’ll have a quick chat!
If you have more Q’s or wonder if it’s a fit for what you need right now, I’ve got you covered…
Check out the FAQ’s!
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A bit about Jo…
I have always been a 'think-outside-the-box' creative on a journey to living outside the norms of societies expectation. I studied art and design through college then Spatial Design at University (gaining a First Class Honours degree), which ultimately led me into a career where I became an associate in an architects practice.
But I knew that wasn't my real calling. In 2011 I designed and began writing a vegan food blog Including Cake, which has since evolved into the hub of my wellness business and my own personal journey. In 2013 I launched a Boost Your Bowl (formally Wholeplus), my plant-based health food business, then in 2014 I qualified as a certified Health Coach.
I have written for a number of national and international publications and my work has been featured across many platforms. I have created a number of ebooks, and have worked with many brands on food photography and styling.
Wellness is my thing… If you are into wellness then I am probably into you!
Come and find me on Instagram or travelling in my camper van!
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