Your FREE step-by-step guide!
Not ready to work with a designer but feeling overwhelmed with where to start in creating content for your wellness website?
This is the guide I use with my clients.
The Kick-Start Content guide will walk you through the simple steps to creating authentic website copy and content for your website… and beyond.
Whether you decide to work with a website designer or DIY your own… I’ve got your back!
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I truly believe ‘Kick-Start Content’ contains everything you need to get going… BUT
If you plan to design your own wellness based website, and could benefit from more in depth guidance for either design or copy you may like to check out these resources below.
Voice to Copy Method - An in depth guide to help you get the most out of the voice recording process and tips on how to create copy you can use again and again for you content creation beyond your website… in just 60 minutes!
Complete Content Workbook + Simple SEO Guide - This goes into so much more depth on branding, copywriting, design and styling. Plus it comes complete with my top tips to help you get ahead with search engine optimisation and visibility!