My favourite 'meat'ball and chunky tomato sauce recipe! (plus the Raw Retreat experience. no. 2)

Recipe: vegan Meat Balls

Last weekend saw the second Raw Retreat Experience take place... and it was just as epic as the first!  

The moment I walked through the front door of the hall, I breathed a sigh of relief and all my worries fell away. The weekend was ours. The energy of the simple unassuming village hall in the quirt Derbyshire countryside is incredible! Half of the participants had also been to the first retreat, and as they came through the door I heard a couple of them say "it feels like coming home". It did indeed.

As it says in the details, the Raw Retreat weekend is stripped back experience to remove luxury and create an environment for deeper connection with your inner spirit. As we arrived we each set up our beds and got cosy for the evening. There is a wonderful childlike sense of having a 'camp out' throughout the retreat, even when people have a little snooze during the day, or take time to zone out and meditate, there is a special energy about it all taking place in the same environment where someone maybe reading, eating or crafting just a few meters away. 

The focus throughout is on connecting with our senses... through food, movement, nature, crafting, conversation, space and stillness to go within.

Some of the tribe shared with wonderful words about the experience and it makes me heart smile, I can't wait to create more retreats for more deep connection...

"It felt like coming home, space to BE!"

I have learned loads about myself, I met wonderful people that feel the same as me inside. This is the closest I get outside 'recovery' in connection with feelings, emotions and understanding".

"Lovely vegan food, lots of walking, lots of talking and brilliant company."

My friend Dionne at Manabika yoga led us through energising morning yoga practices and a yoga nidra bedtime session on the first evening.  Then there was the food.... wonderful food (if I do say so myself, ha!) Thought the focus was not on raw food (just healthy vegan food) Dionne also created a masterpiece of a raw cake... recipe to come soon.  One of my favourite recipes are my 'meatless meatballs'.... I can't believe I haven't shared them on my blog before (I even had to double check!) as they've been a favourite at both Lanzarote retreats and both Raw Retreats!

They are so versatile, can be rolled into balls or pressed into larger burger style patties, they can be made with beans or mushrooms or a combination. They also freeze well- so I always make a big batch!  Seriously- what's not to love?

The recipe for the 'no-meat' balls and my chunky tomato sauce is below, but first I want to share with you the energy of the retreat in photos. I plan to run 3 or 4 of these retreats a year so keep your eyes on the main info page for the latest dates!

The wonderful raw cake... mmmmmm!

The wonderful raw cake... mmmmmm!

Here we all are in our PJ's and onesies... having just woken up, drinking mugs of hot lemon and ginger water before morning yoga! ha ha

Here we all are in our PJ's and onesies... having just woken up, drinking mugs of hot lemon and ginger water before morning yoga! ha ha

Recipe: 'Meat' balls

Makes approx. 30 balls (they freeze well but you can halve the quantities if preferred)


  • 3 cups cooked beans* (mix of red and black or just one type)

  • 1 cups sunflower seeds (approx 350g) soaked and drained

  • 1 cup oats

  • ¼ cup flax seed

  • 2 small red onions

  • ¾ cup sun dried tomatoes

  • 2 tsp cumin

  • 1 heaped tsp mixed herbs

  • 1 lemon- juice

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • Approx. ¼ cup soy sauce

* Note: I used beans as one of the participants on the retreat had a mushroom allergy, but I have also used mushrooms instead of beans (arguably even more authentic!) pulsed in a the food processor to get a 'mince' style texture. Pat with kitchen towel to take as much of the moisture out to prevent wet balls.


Pulse beans in a processor until you have a loosely blended mixture. Set aside.

Pulse remaining ingredients together until you have a smooth but still chunky mixture. In a large bowl add the mushrooms and mix through well.

Roll the mixture into meat ball size balls and place in a lined baking sheet. Bake at 180C for 25 - 30 minutes until crispy and golden. (also great eaten cold)

Serving options: spaghetti (or courgetti) and tomato sauce, pasta, quinoa, topping for a salad or in a wrap. Also make great burgers.

Recipe: vegan Meat Balls

Recipe: Chunky Tomato sauce

Makes approx. 3 cups worth


  • 1 tsp oil

  • 1 small onion sliced

  • 2 garlic cloves crushed

  • 1 tsp Italian herbs (fresh basil optional)

  • 2 tbs cup tomato puree

  • 1 can chopped tomatoes

  • 1 carrot finely grated

  • approx. 4 dried apricots - chopped

  • 250ml vegetable stock


Heat oil, onion, garlic and spices for a few minutes, then add the puree and cook for another couple of minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes.

Recipe: vegan Meat Balls

There photos above are of the 'bean' version as served on the retreat, below are a couple of photos I had taken previously when I made the 'mushroom' version as balls and burgers at home. The result is darker (and more meaty looking?) I love both options. Just be aware that the mushroom version can become a little too wet if the mushroom mix has a lot of moisture once chopped up and isn't pressed/patted dry.

Let me know if you make them and how you serve them... I'd love to hear!  Tag me @johodson on Instagram ;-)

Recipe: vegan burgers
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Mindset jo hodson Mindset jo hodson

My word for 2017... and what intention setting means for me


New Years Resolutions were once upon a time the ‘big thing’, but I’ve noticed a gradual shift over the last few years for a bigger focus towards ‘intention setting’.

For some it might not seem as though there any difference, indeed the difference maybe subtle but in my eyes incredibly significant.

You look up the word ’resolution’ in the dictionary you get “a firm decision to do or not to do something” however when you look up ‘intention’ you read “something that you want and plan to do”.

Subtle difference…

The idea of a resolution seems to me to create an environment of winning or failing. Black or white.  You do, or you do not. People nearly always ‘fall off the wagon’ when it comes to resolutions and never get back on for having ‘let themselves down' whether that be on a conscious level or not.

Yet, intention holds the bigger picture of growth. For me it is both here and now and future focussed all in one. It is something you desire and you work towards as an ongoing process of learning and discovery. It allows for personal evolution and as such it embodies a hugely powerful energy.

I quit making New Years Resolutions a few years back and last year decided to set an intention for the very first time. 

My intention was a single word for the year, something that I deeply connected with, made me excitedly curious and an idea I wanted to use the year to explore as fully as possible.

My word was ‘experiences’. It was an incredible year rich with volunteering travels, working at festivals, plus many other small day to day experiences I honoured as part of stepping into this intention. You can read more about it here and I intend to continue indefinitely albeit with a background focus. This became an element of my identity.

This year I sat for a long time contemplating what my intension would be. ‘Experiences’ had been incredible, a big and glorious word with a lot of vibrant energy associated with it. I found myself thinking that ‘what other word would live up to that status’. Only then did I realise I was not in a competition with myself, and that the small voice that was trying to be heard may be had the answer all along. This year I’m honouring the small voice that I have been pushing back for quite some time. I am stepping into something that I find incredibly challenging on a day-to-day basis and for this reason I know it's something I need to challenge myself and grow towards embodying.

My word for this year is ‘consistency’. It has a softer, slower and steadier energy around it. In fact it feels in total contrast to my intention last year!

It will be a year long learning process to discover how I can create consistency in all areas of my life and how I can show up more consistently and create what I need to in my business and my life on a more consistent basis. As simple and as mediocre as it may sound when spoken, that word has the potential to create incredibly powerful changes for me and I’m committed to honouring the process.

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently” ~ Tony Robbins.

Above all else, for me one of the greatest aspects of intention setting is creating curiosity, and being open to explore how stepping into your intention may guide you through the year, and what incredible results it could bring when you reflect in December. 

On 20-22nd January (just a couple of weeks time!) I am running a weekend retreat with the theme of intention setting a powerful element of the weekend and I’m incredibly excited to share the space with a group of 12 people all ready to step powerfully into the year ahead. The cost per person is only £150 and I have just a couple of spaces remaining, so if you’d like to know more check out the details here and then going touch with me as soon as possible. 

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where you get blog post round ups and a little love, plus other good things (like special offers) right there in your inbox. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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What is your WHY?

That was the question in the final workshop at Love Serve Create with David Taylor this weekend. A weekend of 'creating the extraordinary' with a powerful tribe.

Your 'why' is where you come from, why you show up the way you do on a deeply profound level. It doesn't necessarily relate to your job or career but more simply related to what you consider the most meaningful aspect of your life. So many of us are out of alignment with our 'why', many of us have never even asked ourselves that question or at least not allowed space to consider the answer. 

If you feel as though something is 'missing' that could be it. That's how I walked through my life for a long, long time.

@@When asked 'what do you do?' the common thought process is to consider the what and the how, yet what if we start with our 'why' and then allow the what and how to fall into place?@@ Simon Sinek has a great five minute video on this

What is my WHY? 

As part of David's game we each had a sheet of paper and spent an hour cutting, drawing, sticking, writing and thinking all about our 'why' and how we could best represent that visually. What came up for me was a total surprise since the first 20 minutes for me was spent staring around the room waiting for something to show up in my mind.

It got me thinking deeply yet openly and I'd love to share what came up for me and if you feel called to do so then I'd love to hear your 'why' too!

I want to create immersive environments with nutrition as the gateway for powerful personal experiences. I want to help you connect your body and mind through a sense of curiosity. Why? Because this is how I have evolved, this is the key to my own inner journey, this is what resonates deep within my own soul, this is how I see people step into their greatness and this is how I can most powerfully serve you. 

For my visual manifestation the sun facilitates the growth of the world. The sun is the source and energy radiates from it. The sun creates light and warmth, invites gratitude and 'immerses' the world lighting up it's true beauty. I want to harness the power of the sun.

One of my all time favourite quotes also came to mind as I created the 'artwork' and so it seemed fitting to write this within the centre. This quote says it all. Loving without judgement. Serving without expectation. Creating a powerful experience.

My wellness retreat in Lanzarote is a one-of-a-kind experience to deeply explore this with you and most deeply manifest my 'why'. My mind-body coaching spa sessions are created from this very same space and I'm so honoured and excited to be able to share this with you also. This is why I am also scared and overwhelmed. I dream big, but these big dreams need a voice and only together can we create that voice. 

I look forward to exploring my 'why' more and more in coming weeks, months and years. Who knows what will show up- my mind is wide open! 

Most importantly, in following my why I can support you in following yours.


Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

 Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:


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Life & Wellbeing, Mindset jo hodson Life & Wellbeing, Mindset jo hodson

"Don't die with your music still inside you"

This is a beautiful quote by the late Wayne Dyer, who's movie The Shift I watched again last night.

His quotes that live on and resonate with so many often have a musical poetry to them. I like to think that when we are are living in our element we all intuitively 'sing' from the heart and it is our duty to ourselves and the world to find that place that make our heart and mind truly sing.

Use this life to make sure your voice is heard...

Last weekend I discovered a hidden talent. It took me totally by surprise and its power blew me away. In an act of spontaneity I joined a friend for a weekend festival of spiritual music… didjeridoo, drumming, singing, chanting and everything in between. When we arrived, at first I sat back and enjoy the sounds, marvelled at the skill and the passion of those that played, shying away when I was offered a turn. 

As the day wore on my innate curiosity got the better of me.

I wanted to experience what it’s like to really play a didjeridoo, I wanted to get over my frustration of not being able to circular breathe. That lead onto the drums, something I’ve never even picked up before in my life. The deep resonant base grounded me and spoke deep within. So, with the djembe awkwardly propped up between my legs I gave it a go, my palms beating a simple rhythm. Within minutes I was playing along with the group, it was a crazy, unexpected and beautiful experience. An intuitive jam session that had no rules or reasons, just soul centred notes that came together in the moment, the rise and fall of the rhythm and the beat.

Music is life and life is music. I understood.

In those moments as I was paying the drum I felt a deeper connection than I had maybe ever felt before.

My next step?  To continue that feeling, that sense of connection, of rhythm, of one-ness… of song.

How exactly that materialises is yet to be seen. I'll keep you posted... but at this point I want to give a little shout out to a few members of the amazing tribe I spent my weekend with.

Paul Osborne for letting me ride with him and showing me the way. Drummer and master digj maker. FIND HIM HERE.

Andrea Furlan, master didj maker and performer for teaching me the didj and loaning me one of his beautiful instruments so I can continue my journey. FIND HIM HERE.

Pete Berni who hosted the festival and created the space for a beautiful experience. The 'Summer Retreat' is an annual festival held in Northampton UK… YOU CAN FIND OUT MORE HERE and keep an eye on details for next year.

My wellness immersion retreat in Lanzarote will focus on bringing together all those many strands that make you, YOU. A cocoon of self exploration, the chance to nurture your inner voice and find your true you, reconnect with your song and find the playful and curious soul within.

Join me on November 28th for an incredible week long adventure of personal growth. Email me for a chat to find out more about the retreat or simply for a space to talk and get a little closer to your music.


Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

 Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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Life & Wellbeing, Mindset jo hodson Life & Wellbeing, Mindset jo hodson

The magic of Raw Fest

For the last few days I spent a magical weekend amongst magical people in a magical forest by the sea.  

A long weekend to embrace nature, to embrace so many beautiful open hearted souls, to embrace the deeper vegan lifestyle, and most of all to embrace the beauty of our reality. 

I volunteered at Raw Fest. Set by the sea in The New Forest at Pylewell Park, Raw Fest Retreat & Festival encourages you to unplug from the bustle of city life and drop into the nature that surrounds you. A safe haven for all walks of life to gather, learn about clean living and healing technology, and to uplift our souls through a variety of creative arts.

"A decompression party from your everyday busy life."

Getting stuck in as part of passionate, dedicated team was enriching in itself, but the environment  created by the organisers... a truly immersive space to simply BE was incredible. Nowhere before have I felt so accepted to be me, pure and unedited. 

I didn't see my own reflection for over two days (not alone do anything with my hair or makeup!) and when it got chilly in the evenings or early mornings, because I had brought inadequate layers I simply walked around wrapped in my big red dressing gown. No questions asked. 

Everyone in every walk of life was true accepted, embraced and celebrated. 

There were inspiring talks, music, dancing, campfires, food, yoga, meditation, foraging and nature walks. Yet still plenty of moments in between to just sit and soak up the vibe, to think, hug and converse with strangers, who were no longer strangers at all.

On Saturday night the sky was beautifully clear and so when I went back to my tent to sleep I pivoted my sleeping bag to that it stuck out the tent door opening and lay snuggling down in my sleeping bag looking up at the stars. As my eyes adjusted, layer upon layer of stars appeared. The sky was filled with stars as far as I could see. So beautiful and eternal I could have gazed forever.

I went to the festival with a couple of friends, yet many many more, and we camped for three nights. I took lots of fruit, snack bars (recipe coming very soon!) and my Wholeplus Hotpots but also enjoyed plenty of the delicious meals, smoothies and juices on offer. Amrutha were incredible... not just with their amazing vegan food (check out their Facebook Page and find them popping up all over London) but their genuine passion and sweet and pure philosophy on life. On Monday morning as we were packing everything away they conjured up an awesome complimentary breakfast with all the leftovers... just the way I like to work in the kitchen too.

I also had the privilege of being on the 'juicing station'... whipping up a concoction for all members of the volunteer team. There were wasps around me constantly.... I have a big fear of wasps so this was a huge deal for me to overcome! I felt a little proud.

On that final Monday morning I woke up early, before 7am, and the campsite was quiet and still. Not wanting to wake anyone I decided to postpone packing, got wrapped up in my dressing gown against the morning chill and took a quiet walk around the lake running down to the eastuary. 

These were the thoughts that came to my mind, spontaneous and unedited. 

My heart was full with gratitude.  

I felt truly alive.

All the photography for the event was captured by Adrian at Tbilisi Portraits, I have been given full permission to share them with you all here... a little snapshot of some of the magic. Thank you Adrian for capturing it so perfectly.

p.s see me in the last photo after the ceremonal gong bath to close the event late Sunday evening, I'm wrapped up my dressing gown having not seen my own face (erm, or showered) for nearly three days!

For me, this weekend embodied the essence of what I want to offer you at my own immersive wellness retreat. Join me in November in Lanzarote for some deeply soul centred enrichment.

Intrigued to know more? Join the Facebook retreat event here or drop me a email and let's talk about the retreat, about life, about you.

Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

 Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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Jump, Fly...

When I work with clients my only fundamental is we both show up from a space of deep honesty and vulnerability. 100%. 

It’s where all the magic happens, it’s where all the deep shifts take place.

So right here, right now, I’m gonna get vulnerable with you.

My week long Wellness Retreat is happening in Lanzarote on 28th November. I’m incredibly excited as I know in my heart that it will be a truly transformational experience for the ten people who join me.

I am also terrified. 

Creating this retreat is pushing me to the absolute limits of my comfort zone. I love helping and serving people, but I also play it safe and hide behind my computer screen all to often. I want to reach out to you all personally on a deep level, each an every one of you, but I don’t know where to start. I don’t know how to get across the passion that I have for this retreat and to help you see the power it could hold for you if you are at that point of questioning in your life journey.

As I sat in my overwhelm this morning (eating a tonne dark chocolate as it happened!), I reached out to a powerful coaching community and was encouraged to listen to the words of ‘Jump’ by Gary Barlow. Really listen. So I did. Twice.

It rang so true for me, BUT I also think it rings deeply true for you in your lives too. 

Whether you are curious about my retreat or not… please take four minutes out of your day today (right now if you can) to listen to the words and make a little magic happen today.

I am also now asking you to HELP ME HELP YOU…

I would love to powerfully serve you through a coaching conversation. We don’t have to talk about my retreat unless of course you want to. This is about YOU and what could most deeply serve you at this very point in your life.

I want to ask, how can I best support you in taking that ‘Jump’?

Lets set up a time to speak… phone, Skype, FaceTime… it doesn’t matter. I simple want to connect. No expectations.

Don’t hesitate. Don’t over analyse.
Ping me an email and let's do this!

But first… just listen to 'Jump'!

Now I'm out of my funk, I'm off to read some books and chill out with my family.
Loving you always,


Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

 Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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My Lanzarote Wellness Immersion Retreat is here!

Did you see it!  

Did you see it?

My Lanzarote Wellness Immersion Retreat is here. Yay! Whoop whoop!

It has it's own dedicated page with all the details. I am so excited to share it and so please forgive me if it pops up in conversations quite a lot in coming weeks.... literally everything in my head is geared toward it at the moment.

True story... when I was in Lanzarote last week and my co-host Daniel and I had just secured the villa. I was dancing around his kitchen exclaiming 'yay, now I can develop loads of awesome recipes for the retreat' at which he laughed at me and said 'Jo we need to actually fill the spaces first'. Oh yeah, I guess there is that! 


I won't go on about it too much now as you can read all about it here but I just want to leave you with my little poster I have just been crafting. It was exactly one week ago today I was standing by the that poolside of the villa in the photo! :-)

Please, please get in touch if you are curious to know more and want to chat about it, or just chat about anything heath and wellness related... i'm always here for you!

P.s if you are not already on my newsletter list... but want to be kept in the know about the retreat or future news and events, please sign up here (you'll also get my cool recipe ebook as a little gift!)


Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here you might like to check out my 'About' tab up top. To buy healthy nibbles you can also find me over at my sister site Wholeplus. 

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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Mindset jo hodson Mindset jo hodson

Exciting news... Lazarote...and two recipes!

Hellllloooooo.... it's been a while!

Forgive me...

I have recipes....

I can explain....

I have been back in Lanzarote and I can finally share with you the details as to why! I am creating a retreat holiday... yes an actual real life retreat experience!

An immersion of total wellness for spiritual, mental and physical development.

The energy and excitement is coursing through me..... ahhhh I can't wait.

Ok, time to calm down a little. More details to come in the next few days as I pull everything together but for now you can join the Facebook event so you don't miss anything. There are only 10 spaces!

Beautiful early morning walk at Playa Famara

Beautiful early morning walk at Playa Famara

lanz 3.jpg

For now, here's a little round up of my short trip. I made a lot of meals for everyone- my chickpea-cauli quiche was an absolute winner with and I experimented with a few new ones too. Namely a roasted veg ratatouille and tofu chard scramble (a twist on the classic) I've added the recipes below.

Note: Everything in this post is shot with my iPhone as with the hand baggage allowance I couldn't fit my DSLR this time. :-(

Oooh and I tweaked the chocolate banana brownie bread since it went down so well last time. I added walnut to the mixture and slightly undercooked it (to make it more dense and dessert like) then baked it in a round cake pan to slice up as wedges, then I served it hot topped it with a berry/prune sauce and some fresh mulberries and extra walnuts.


Mulberries are incredible!

I'd never eaten them before and I think they are now my new favourite fruit! Pity we don't have them fresh in England. Though I made the mistake of picking some fresh ones from a bush on the way back to the airport, but they stained my hands so badly I rocked up to the airport looking like i'd massacred someone… not the best look to get through security! Luckily I spied a washroom near the entrance. :-)

Recipe: Roasted Vegetable Ratatouille  (based on this recipe by

Serves 3-4


  • 3 fist sizes aubergines (these were quite small home grown ones)

  • 4 tomatoes (or 1 can chopped tomatoes)

  • 3 courgettes

  • 1 red onion

  • 2 red peppers

  • 5 cloves garlic- chopped roughly

  • 1 scant tsp salt

  • 1 tsp dried oregano

  • 2-3 tbs olive oil

  • 1/2 cup fresh parsley- chopped (or basil)

  • NOTE: I had intended to add two cans of chickpeas but at the last moment realised we didn't have any to hand!


Chop the veg into bite sizes chunks and coat with the oil and salt. Place in an even layer in a large roasting pan (or two) along wit the garlic pieces.

Roast for approx 20 mins at 180C until golden.

Meanwhile blitz the tomatoes in a food processor until just a little chunky. (I had planned to roast them first but had no room in the pan). Add to a large sauce pan, if you are using chickpeas you;d add them now and heat through for 5 minutes or so. Add the roasted veg and cook for a couple of minutes until everything is piping hot. Serve with a generous sprinkle of fresh parsley or basil.

I served this with a side of garlic and onion dressed pasta, but it would also work well with rice, potatoes or quinoa.

Alongside the tofu scramble I also served my sweet potato cakes (though I used carrot as well as sweet potato) and also avocado toasts dressed with lemon juice and salt.

Recipe: Tofu Chard Scramble

Serves 3-4


  • 500g block firm tofu (no need to press unless there is a lot of liquid)

  • approx 3 packed cups chard (or other greens)

  • 4 crushed garlic cloves

  • 1 small white onion

  • 1/2 tsp turmeric

  • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika (you could use any spices of choice)

  • 1 tbs tamari soy sauce

  • 1 tbs tahini

  • 1/4 cup hot water

  • generous shake of nutritional yeast (optional)

  • salt to taste (if needed)


In a large frying pan or wok, saute the garlic and onion in a little oil for approx 5 minutes until softening. Add the chard (if using spinach add it a little later) and continue cooking for 3-4 minutes until the stems are softening. 

Meanwhile mix all the spices with the tahini and water to form a paste. Using your hands, crumble the tofu in rough chunks into the pan and add the seasoned paste. Toss well to ensure an even coating. Add a little extra oil or water if necessary and cook for 5-6 minutes until the tofu is fully cooked through.

Serve immediately.

...mulberries on my breakfast too! Simply couldn't resist!

...mulberries on my breakfast too! Simply couldn't resist!

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus. 

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