I’m quietly unconventional, neurospicy and multi-passionate with a love for creativity and wellness… and my clients are too!

If this is your vibe, welcome to the blog!
Grab a cuppa tea and settle in.

This is not your average ‘design’ blog!

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This is a space where I’ll share tips, resources, experiences, stories and encouragement for designing a life and business on your own terms. Whether you gain a slight shift in perspective, a moment of validation or a helpful new tool or insight. I hope you find value in my words.

P.s I was previously a plant-based recipe developer so this is why there are still many of my favourites in the archives!

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Recipes, Sweet Recipes jo hodson Recipes, Sweet Recipes jo hodson

Christmas Wreath Cheesecake! (with so many options!)

I recently took a trip to Spain to soak up some winter sunshine and do some work without the distractions of my kitchen. I have lots of travel plans for next year and this was something of a trial for a location independent work life.

That meant as soon as I landed back in the UK… I was straight back in the kitchen to unleash all that repressed kitchen creativity, ha ha

This was something of spontaneous unplanned creation, although the idea was triggered by a toffee wreath sponge cake in the Ocado Magazine. I veganized it, healthanized it, changed up the flavour and tuned it into a cheesecake. Nothing like the original really!

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Hi, I’m Jo!

I’m an introvert and your average looking gal on the outside, but behind the scenes… multi-biz owner for over 10+ years, late-diagnosed ADHDer, currently living nomadically in my self-built Camper Van throughout the UK and Europe.

Liked what you’ve seen on the blog? Check out all the things I offer on my Everything Page.

I’ve helped dozens of wellness focussed, multi-passionate peeps step into their best unconventional life and biz, and I’d love to help you do the same!