Chocolate Banana Ice Cream... and another ebook!

I've been in full on design mode recently!

Making tweaks to my website.... did you see I now have two separate blog rolls AND a funky highlight's page? Of course I've also been busy gearing up for the Lanzarote Wellness Retreat!

Behind the scenes there has been even more ebook action. I have been collaborating with RealFoodSource in designing another FREE ebook... this time featuring their 'as raw as it get's' chocolate powder blend.

You can grab the book here... it has loads of inspiration and you could easily swap regular raw cacao and add your own extra sweetness. Their own raw powder blends cacao powder with coconut sugar and sea salt for an all in one ready to go option (if you are in the UK they currently have a launch promo offer).

Here's a little teaser of the recipes I created inside!

One of my favourite recipes from the book is featured on their blog... the chocolate banana ice cream. 

Perfect for the hot summer weather, or simply a treat all year round! Frozen banana makes the perfect no churn ice cream. Use greener bananas for a less dominant taste and add a little syrup if needed as they’ll be less sweet. You can add full fat coconut milk to replace some of the banana of you wish.

Or instead of a chocolate option, why not add fruits or vanilla powder to change up flavours. I feel a rum and raisin combo coming on! Or even a citrus flavour with orange and lemon.

You can find the full recipe HERE!

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I thought you were perfect


My Lanzarote Wellness Immersion Retreat is here!