Pancake crazy.... 'red raspberry and beet'!

Happy Pancake Day!

Will you be eating pancakes today? If so I have one final offering to temp you!

...just in case you need even more ideas, you can find more pancake recipes in the 'bressert' category!

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These pancakes were a spin off from some similar recent 'red' experiments such as this raspberry beetroot ice cream which was incredible. I also created a buckwheat bake using very similar ingredients to these pancakes but that needs a few tweaks before I can present it the world.

You can't taste the beetroot in you think pancakes, it's a great complement to the raspberry and just serves to emphasise the great colour. Serve them up with a bit of yoghurt or cream for a really striking dessert. I had actually planned to serve it up with my pink ice cream but then forgot at the last moment and hadn't taken it out of the freezer… opps!

You could also add some chia jam if you wanted to go all out on the pink theme and add an extra boost of sweetness!

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Recipe: Red raspberry and beet

(the basic recipe was lightly adapted from this recipe on Oh She Glows)

Makes approx 12 pancakes - (feel free to halve the mix if you prefer)


  • 1/2 heaped cup brown rice flour (or spelt)

  • 1/2 heaped cup buckwheat flour (or spelt)

  • 1/4 scant cup arrowroot (or other starch)

  • 2 heaped tsp baking powder

  • 2 scant cups non-dairy milk of choice*

  • 2-3 tbs unrefined syrup of choice* (adjust to taste as these are only slightly sweet)

  • 2 tbs ground flax or chia

  • pinch salt

  • 1 heaped cup raspberries

  • 1 cooked beet

  • vegan yoghurt to serve- optional

  • extra raspberries to serve- optional

* liquid quantity may vary slightly depending on mix-ins used. For sweetness you may also use stevia or another form of sweetener, if so increase liquid slightly. 


Blend all ingredients together to get a thick smooth batter. Add the liquid slowly to ensure the smoothest mixture. 

Heat a non-stick saucepan with a little coconut oil (or other oil of choice) and spoon dollops of batter into the pan. Cook for 2-3 mins on one side, carefully flip and cook for a minute on the other. 

Serve immediately or keep warm in the oven on a low heat until all are ready together. 

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beet raspberry pancakes 3a.jpg

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