Matcha raspberry oat bake

Ok, last matcha recipe post for now!

Plus this the last time i'll be mentioning my teapigs matcha giveaway... as it ends tomorrow night. Get in there here if you haven't already :-)

This was one of the first non-beverage recipe I created back at the start of May. I love baked oatmeal in all forms and very rarely have a recipe fail so felt this would be a good place start. 

Yes this has veggies in. You knew that would be the case though didn't you! Some green veggies to compliment the green matcha...embrace the greens!  I coarsely grated my courgette (zucchini) and so you can see the strands in the photo above, I loved the chunky texture but you can grate this more finely if you wish.

If the green hue scares you, you could always add some cocoa or carob powder to camouflage it. I haven't tried it like this so you'd want to taste test the batter before you put in in the oven to ensure it suits your tastebuds and add sweetener or maybe vanilla as needed.

This bake serves one but you could easily double it up.  Just make sure that once in the pan its no deeper than about 2cm as it may get a little gummy inside if its too deep.

Go and get your breakfast boost!

Serves 1


  • ½ cup oats
  • ½ cup courgette- grated
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • ½ tsp (1 serving) matcha powder
  • ¼ cup fruit juice (I used apple as that’s what I had to hand)
  • 4 drops stevia (to taste)
  • ¼ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ cup raspberries (I use frozen so they don’t burn)


 Mix all ingredients (other than the raspberries) together until well mixed.

Spoon into a small  (single serve size) oven proof dish and press the raspberriws into the top.

Bake for approx 15  minutes until golden brown on top. Serve straight from the dish or carefully serve onto a plate (might stick a little) with a drizzle of yoghurt or extra fruit.

matcha bake 3a.jpg

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'Student Spotlight' Vegan Budwig Cream


Matcha avocado crackers