Granola-cookie breakfast clusters (gf)

I'm all about grab and go snacks. Snacks that pack a punch with a dense nutritional value.

But i'll be honest, I have a sweet tooth, so i'm more likely to opt for the lightly sweetened snacks over the savoury. That's why I love my quinoa cookies and veggie infused porridges (coming soon) so much!

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I also love granola, I think it's a texture thing as I very rarely eat is as a bowl of cereal drenched in 'milk'...but I make clumpy bits and eat handfuls of it on the fly. Sometimes this can get a little out of control....hmmm.

So these are almost like a larger version of granola clusters... kind of like a granola-cookie-cross. These are also gluten free. Does that sound like your kind of breakfast?

Oh and these little nuggets are no-bake! If you are struggling with them holding together then you could try lightly baking them too.  The quantities are listed are pretty flexible, just add what you have to hand and use enough date paste to hold it together.

For more breakfasty bites...have a look here!

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Recipe: granola-cookie breakfast clusters

Makes 8-10


  • ¼ cup each: gluten free cereal flakes, buckwheat groats, coconut curls, goji berries
  • ¼ cup date paste
  • a pinch- 1 tsp of cocoa, maca, spices (to taste)


Make sure the date paste is fairly sticky and not firm (add a drizzle of syrup if needed). Lightly mix in the spices and then mix through the remaining ingredients to combine into chunky balls, they should hold together well.

 Refrigerate to firm and store, consume within 2-3 days.

Notes: you could use other mix-ins such as quinoa flakes, puffed rice, chia, flax, superfood powders (e.g acai, maca), dried fruits, chopped seeds or nuts. Keep all the pieces fairly small so that they bind together without falling apart.

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Chocolate pumpkin brownie slices


Mantra for Monday no. 104