October 1st = Word Vegetarian Day! (plus... pumpkin roundup!)

It's World Vegetarian Day.. and also October 1st. Summer has sailed away (but it's still gloriously sunny here today!) ... oh and a rhyme too ;-)

World Veg Day.jpg

World Vegetarian Day initiates the month of October as Vegetarian Awareness Month, which ends with November 1, World Vegan Day, as the end of that month of celebration.

When it comes to health coaching, I offer my clients the full breath of service... we focus on YOU not my own choices. That said my ethos for refined sugar-free, low wheat, clean whole foods with lots of veggies does remain, and in fact it's precisely that which brings many of my clients to me looking to boost their heath and kickstart their habits. 

Plants are great and we should all eat more of them. Simple as that!

Whether it be a meat free day once a week, veggies lunches at work, adding in more veg to each meal, or incorporating more healthy snacks throughout the day.... there are so many small steps you can take to increasing you plant based nutrition.

It's world Vegetarian Day... so why not go veggie (or vegan), today... or tomorrow, or for one week, or one month....

It's all about trying new things, creating new mindsets, seeing what feels right for you body, getting experimental. I know I have this phrase on repeat but it's true "embrace the creativity and question everything".

Oh and it's also October 1st today... that means it's nearly Halloweeen, right? So that means I can talk about pumpkin, right?

Good, because today I am sharing a roundup of pumpkin is inspired recipes with you in celebration of October... enjoy!

Why not sign up for my newsletter in my sidebar where I feature roundups and special offers plus my FREE ebook. If you are new round here check out my 'About' and 'Getting Started' tabs up top. To buy nibbles you can also find me over at Wholeplus.  

Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places:

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