Fruity Chia lollies

Do you remember

this chia pudding


Do you remember I was curious as to whether it could be turned into chia fruit lollies... Well I just couldn't resist giving it a go, so here we are! They are pretty good!

The recipe is pretty much identical to the pudding but to add a slight twist and colour pop I added some crushed raspberries to the mix to give a pretty colour contrast  :-)  I always use frozen fruits for things like this purely on a practical level as there is so much less colour bleed and crushing the 


 is so easy when solid, however I do appreciate that frozen fruit has less chance of being seasonal and organic- unless of course you buy fresh and freeze them yourself- that would be best!

I doubled up the original recipe to make approx. 6 lollies. I tried to find some 


 lolly moulds but to no avail so my mould consisted of a hard


shell that needs running under hot water to loosen the lolly to eat. Not the easiest way to go about things and the tops did begin to go a little

melty in places

 for the


...but no major drama!

I served up my lollies with some of my 

watermelon cooler way I was going to be dehydrating anytime soon ;-)

Recipe:  Fruity 

Chia lollies

Makes 6 lollies


3 tbs white chia seeds (dark will work fine too but won’t look so pretty!)

2 bananas- mashed well

1 tbs maca powder (optional)

1 cup fresh pineapple

1/2 cup broken rasberry pieces- frozen works best

1/2 cup coconut water (or substitute regular filtered water)


Blend all ingredients together until smooth, stirring through the raspberry pieces last.

Spoon the mixture into lolly moulds and freeze.

For further guidance on making gluten free choices please see

this post


For tips and info on recipe measurement conversions, ingredients, substitutions and the methods behind how I do things.... check out my 'baking tips' tab at the top of the page.

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Silent Sunday no. 79


Eat your beans!!!!