Fresh View Magazine... the start of a new relationship!

In exploring my message to the world and helping people expand their mindset, I have been forming collaborations to take me from the realms of this blog out into the big wide world.

My most recent article in Fresh View magazine is the start of a new relationship with a very special publication that really connects with what I am about.

You can find their website here, and a little bit more about what the magazine aims to explore:

"Fresh View has now evolved to bring stories, articles and features about a more considered, compassionate and conscious way of life for body mind and soul. We want to pose questions about lifestyle, the consequence of our choices on the planet and each other, and bring news about the many people and projects from around the world that are impacting in a meaningful and compassionate way.

We will also be bringing amazing plant based recipes and food features because we are passionate about vibrant healthy food to nourish body mind and spirit, and we will be interviewing some of the fresh innovative leading lights on the “animal free” food scene."

My first article focusses on cutting the sweet stuff, something you have probably gathered I am a little bit passionate about :-)  Plus I have showcased two new recipes; here is a little teaser of the chocolate brownie trifle and spiced rice pudding... great for the forthcoming festive season!

You can buy the magazine here (with a free sample to read online.)  and find out some more info all abut the magazine here.

he Facebook and Twitter pages are also a great ones to follow.

My next article will be coming early next year... watch this space!

Do you already follow or subscribe to Fresh View Magazine? I'd love to know what sorts of articles you'd like to see!

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Celeriac chips... half the carbs of potato chips!


Mantra for Monday no. 124