Create Wellbeing

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What is your WHY?

That was the question in the final workshop at Love Serve Create with David Taylor this weekend. A weekend of 'creating the extraordinary' with a powerful tribe.

Your 'why' is where you come from, why you show up the way you do on a deeply profound level. It doesn't necessarily relate to your job or career but more simply related to what you consider the most meaningful aspect of your life. So many of us are out of alignment with our 'why', many of us have never even asked ourselves that question or at least not allowed space to consider the answer. 

If you feel as though something is 'missing' that could be it. That's how I walked through my life for a long, long time.

@@When asked 'what do you do?' the common thought process is to consider the what and the how, yet what if we start with our 'why' and then allow the what and how to fall into place?@@ Simon Sinek has a great five minute video on this

What is my WHY? 

As part of David's game we each had a sheet of paper and spent an hour cutting, drawing, sticking, writing and thinking all about our 'why' and how we could best represent that visually. What came up for me was a total surprise since the first 20 minutes for me was spent staring around the room waiting for something to show up in my mind.

It got me thinking deeply yet openly and I'd love to share what came up for me and if you feel called to do so then I'd love to hear your 'why' too!

I want to create immersive environments with nutrition as the gateway for powerful personal experiences. I want to help you connect your body and mind through a sense of curiosity. Why? Because this is how I have evolved, this is the key to my own inner journey, this is what resonates deep within my own soul, this is how I see people step into their greatness and this is how I can most powerfully serve you. 

For my visual manifestation the sun facilitates the growth of the world. The sun is the source and energy radiates from it. The sun creates light and warmth, invites gratitude and 'immerses' the world lighting up it's true beauty. I want to harness the power of the sun.

One of my all time favourite quotes also came to mind as I created the 'artwork' and so it seemed fitting to write this within the centre. This quote says it all. Loving without judgement. Serving without expectation. Creating a powerful experience.

My wellness retreat in Lanzarote is a one-of-a-kind experience to deeply explore this with you and most deeply manifest my 'why'. My mind-body coaching spa sessions are created from this very same space and I'm so honoured and excited to be able to share this with you also. This is why I am also scared and overwhelmed. I dream big, but these big dreams need a voice and only together can we create that voice. 

I look forward to exploring my 'why' more and more in coming weeks, months and years. Who knows what will show up- my mind is wide open! 

Most importantly, in following my why I can support you in following yours.

Curious to work together? Get in touch for a complimentary chat and we'll see where your are at and where you want to go!

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Day to day you can always find me hanging out in these places: