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Mantra for Monday no. 115

Mindful living is something I am striving for.

I still really struggle with the practice of meditation, but a sense mindful living is something I try and tap into as often as I can. 

I have varying levels of success. I am a work in progress. I'm ok with that.

Life is but a series of moments. Moments are continual, fragile and fleeting and as such the greatest gift to our lives. Yet we all to often take our moments for granted and spend our energy on the past and the future; analysing what came before and anticipating what might be yet to come. Instead inject you energy into the 'now', appreciate each moment what what it has to offer, the opportunities it brings and the decisions you take that lead you forward. 

If you live by the moment, the past and the future take good care of themselves.

p.s if you ever have a chance to listen to a talk by Arianna Huffington, do it. Wise words.

What is Mantra for Monday?


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