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Chocolate orange goji bites

One for the chocolate lovers! These little bites pack a punch with nutrient dense super-foods combined with a chocolatey fruity kick. 

Taking the well known 'bliss ball' concept of smooshed up dates, cocoa and other goodies, these bites are a spin off from my Wholeplus classic range of  Squares flavours but here i have used ground almonds instead of coconut.

Every so often whilst I'm playing in the kitchen whipping up another batch of Squares or Toppers for a new order... I get a little side tracked and carried away and start creating new flavours and combinations. This was one such experiment in making a chocolate-orange base and pressing Toppers into the top. This then became a special commission for a friend since they were so good.

If you love chocolate-orange then you must make these!

The orange extract gives a wonderful flavour compliment to the chocolate and super foods but feel free to change it up any way you please…this recipe is calling out for your own inventive ingredient twist- just keep to the same ratios of ingredient types.  I used my own Toppers range for the top along with beautiful bright ground goji berries, but you can just use gojis and maybe cacao nibs or whatever you prefer. This recipe uses very firm dates so if yours are very soft and sticky you may need to increase the dry ingredients slightly to get a firm mixture to press into the pan.

 Recipe: Chocolate orange goji bites… your healthy chocolate kick!

Makes 16-20 squares


  • 2 cups dried dates (approx. 250g)

  • 1/2 cup ground almonds (or other mild flavoured nuts/seeds ground finely)

  • 1/4 cup raw cacoa powder

  • 2 tbs maca powder (or other superfood powders of choice) omit if preferred

  • 1 tsp orange extract (or other flavour of choice) 

  • 1/4 cup coarsely ground goji berries- for topping

  • 1/4 cup other topping of choice i.e crushed nuts, seeds or cacao nibs (optional).


Blend all ingredients together in food processor (other than toppings) until you have a slightly sticky well blended mix.

Press mix firmly into a small (approx 8” square) pan lined with parchment for easy removal. Press the toppings into the mix and chill for min. 1 hour to firm up before slicing into squares.  Alternatively you could roll these into balls and roll in goji’s last.

The squares also freeze well… so why not make a big batch and they’ll keep you going for weeks!

I think this recipe has to be one my favourite ways to use goji berries.... what's you favourite way use them?

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