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'Student Spotlight' Malty choc banana smoothie bowl

A few days ago I introduced my 'Student Spotlight' feature to showcase a selection of fellow students studying alongside me at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition.  There are so many amazing people each with stories to tell and such diverse reasons for choosing health to be their life mission.

Today and for the next 12 (or so) Friday's you will get a glimpse into their lives, what makes them tick ...oh, and not forgetting a favourite recipe!

First up Amy Fraser... over to you Amy!

"I am extremely passionate about helping women and their families to live healthy wholesome lives.  I guide my clients through a holistic approach by looking at the whole picture including food, lifestyle and exercise, helping to navigate through the confusing maze of health and nutrition advice currently available.

I love my new career and the time spent with my clients helping them to incorporate more wholefoods, clean eats and exercise into their lifestyle.

I currently lives south of Sydney with my loving fiancé and 2 fur babies (Staffordshire terriers) Tahlee and Richter. My favourite form of exercise is an afternoon run with my man and 2 dogs through tracks in the beautiful surrounding bushland."

Recipe: Malty choc banana smoothie bowl

  • 1 Frozen banana
  • 2 Medjool dates
  • 2 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon Maca powder
  • 1 Tablespoon Cacao powder
  • 1 ½ Tablespoons of almond butter
  • 400mls of Coconut water
  • Goji berries, cacao nibs, and chia seeds to serve (optional)

Place all ingredients except goji berries, extra chia seeds and cacao nibs into a high speed blender. Blend until smooth.

Pour into a bowl or large glass and top with goji berries, cacao nibs and chia seeds.

What a yummy way to start your day - enjoy, Amy xx

'Spotlight' Interview:

1.   What first drew you to IIN?

I have always been interested in the health and wellness scene. As a teenager you would always find me curled up with a new book on the latest nutrition theory. I studied Reiki and fitness courses, enjoyed running, playing soccer and snowboarding.

After I left school I found it increasingly difficult to keep up a healthy lifestyle working in the corporate world and being a social butterfly. I became sick with depression, anxiety and adrenal fatigue among other things.  However I found that when I ate clean (meaning I cut out all the processed junk food)and I found time to exercise, I felt such an improvement!

My friends were always asking me for advice on what to eat and I really enjoyed helping out. I decided I wanted to be able to do this on a large scale and help as many people as possible to live a healthier happier life. When I found IIN I realised that this was the course for me and signed up without hesitation as this would allow me to follow my dream to work in this industry.

2.     How has your life changed since becoming a health coaching student?

Oh my... My life has changed in so many ways and all for the better! IIN has helped me to put my own health and wellness first and I have realised that if I don’t look after myself, I won’t be able to help anyone!

My biggest priority is eating well. I believe that no matter how much exercise you do, if you are not fueling your body with wholesome nutritious foods you are not going to achieve long term health. I believe you need to look at the whole picture and that exercising is not the only answer to health. My personal motto is “You wouldn’t put bad fuel in your car, so why would you put foods into your body that don’t nourish your body and mind.” Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish yourself and IIN has helped me to cement this belief in my mind.   

3.     What do you hope to take away into the world and how do you plan to help others once you graduate?

I love that IIN has created a ripple effect of health and wellness around the world and my dream is to help as many people as possible to achieve the life that they want to live.

I hope to continue to spread the valuable information I have learnt during my studies and to have an impact on as many people’s lives as possible through my health coaching practice, workshops, kitchen reboot sessions and much much more.

4.     Being a ‘wellness crusader’ what’s one thing you wish you could change about the world

I would love to see more public awareness via our media resources about the quality of the produce we consume.  I believe that one of the most important things we can do for our health is buying organic clean produce free from pesticides, herbicides and preservatives.  I would love for more information on this topic to become more widely available for everyone.

5.     What would you choose as your final meal on earth?

My absolute favourite snack that I would happily call my last meal on earth is my homemade guacamole served with sweet potato chips baked with coconut oil and sumac. It is divine.

 Share the love:

You can follow Amy through her facebook page

On Instagram: @healthybellyhappymind

 And via her website 

 I'd love you to join me in other places too!  

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